Good evening, everyone. Busy day today with lots of activities going on but I wanted to post a quick couple of pages before I went to bed. Both of these pages were made using the My Digital Studio. Now the pictures were taken five years ago when we lived out state. I did these using my old film SLR but also had a disk made and they were on my computer. With a few clicks of the mouse I have these pages. I just added items and changed things around until I was happy with the results. One really neat feature of the My Digital Studio is the ability to make stamped images larger or smaller. Take the spider at the top of the first page as an example, I made it larger and the hat smaller to fit on my letter.

I have also started making pages with my Daughter's gymnastics picture. I hope to make a complete book from last season for her. I have three pages complete and will share some of those at a later date. I will probably play around with these to pages some more before I finally print them but I must tell you that I am finding My Digital Studio to be quite fun and addictive. Remember that on Oct. 1st you can order your own copy or you can even get it at a discount. Contact me to find out more about the special. Thanks, for stopping by tonight and as always if you have any questions I would be happy to help you, Tonya
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